This church has the honor of being my first “Tracking the Crazies” post because they took time out of their busy and rewarding schedules to protest the deaths of WV miners with signs reading “Thank God for Dead Miners.” Many WV residents were introduced to Whackboro for the first time by these events and wondered “Who are these people and what on earth is the matter with them?” (This is a polite summary of the many comments I’ve seen). I’ll try to explain. I did some extensive research and found out some interesting things.
Whackboro, under the helm of Pastor Fred Phelps, was incorporated as a nonprofit in 1967 and calls Topeka, Kansas home. They call themselves Old School Baptist but mainstream Baptist organizations aren’t claiming them. Phelps was an attorney but was disbarred in 1979 by the Kansas Supreme Court. He founded Phelps Chartered, the family firm, which is now run by four of his children. The church itself has 40 members, made up mostly of some of Phelps’ children and their offspring. Nine of his thirteen children attend the church with their families and actively protest (small children are actively involved in protests, often carrying explicit signs). Four of Phelps’ children are estranged from the family. Some have changed their names. Two of his sons have publicly alleged that Phelps is a child abuser and a cult leader.
Phelps believes that homosexuality and society’s acceptance of homosexuality have doomed most of the world to eternal damnation. He believes that God will punish not only all homosexuals but individuals that are “fag-enablers”. The church protests events carrying attention-grabbing signs like “God hates fags”, “Thank God for 9/11”, “Thanks God for dead soldiers”, and crude, explicit drawings depicting homosexual sexual acts.
They started acting up right around the time that Matthew Shepard was killed and have gotten busier everyday. Phelps interpreted the events of 9/11 to mean that God was angry at America for supporting the “fag agenda” and that the events of that day were a clear message. The ensuing wars were a further continuation of God’s rage against America and that every dead soldier is another clear message to us that our “fag-loving ways” must stop. So, he and his family protest and carry signs indicating that the chickens have come home to roost and we are being punished for allowing homosexuality.
Who do they protest? Well, it’s a wide open field. They started out protesting mainly funerals of people who died of AIDS, or who were victims of gay hate crimes. Then, they expanded to pop concerts, Kansas City Chiefs Games, plays, and celebrity funerals. Next, it was soldiers’ funerals, which turned out to be a wildly unpopular move and has led to some lawsuits, one of which is headed to the Supreme Court. They seem particularly attracted to events that have heavy media coverage and carry signs that seem almost designed to attract attention and violence. They actively file lawsuits against counter-protesters, anyone who incites violence and any police or court action that is involved with their protests.
Lately, Whackboro has really expanded their range and will basically show up to protest the opening of a drawer. Once, they picketed an appliance store. Were the appliances gay, you ask? No. Did the staff engage in homosexual sex in the display windows? No. The store sold Swedish vacuum cleaners. The church believes selling Swedish vacuum cleaners. Sweden prosecuted (but acquitted) a pastor named Ake Green, under a law against hate speech due to his speech against homosexuality. It is fortunate that there is no IKEA in Kansas.
Whackboro does not merely hate gays. Here’s a short list of other stuff they hate: Catholics, Jews, Muslims, America, Methodists, Presbyterians, Lutherans, Baptists, Episcopalians, Hindus, India, Italians, Mormons, Jerry Falwell, Lady Gaga, Elizabeth Taylor
What stuff do they like? Here’s the list: TBD. (although Phelps once sent a charming letter to Saddam Hussein praising him for his admirable regime)
Phelps is approaching his twilight years. His daughter Shirley Phelps-Roper has lately become the more active face of the church. She twitters now. Her recent twitters include updates on protests and some gems like these (These are for real; I copied them right off of Twitter):
- “Want to get Aids? Then perhaps you should check out this event. Gross.”
- “Another Dead Queer! Praise God!” (This one had a link in it, which I left out in honor of the individual who has passed.)
- “Lady Gaga sick. Aids? Let's hope so. GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!”
- “Our dog Max was caught humping our dog, Todd. NOT IN THIS HOUSE!! We had him put to sleep.”
I’d comment on this but I can’t think of a single thing to say. The only thing I can think to do is link you to Shirley’s daughter, who has done a parody of Poker Face. Clearly, the light of Jesus is shining through this young lady’s eyes:
Why the sidebar of your website is in the footer and not on the right as usual ? Regards, Barbara
Posted by: recette marinade | June 27, 2011 at 03:47 AM