I went shopping for the first time in like forever the other day. I saw something terrible. Just terrible.
I knew the leggings were back and that's one thing but there is no excuse for the stirrup pants. Now I know how my mom felt when I started slinking around in bell bottoms acting like I was the first person who had ever thought of them.
Stirrup pants are terrible. The stirrups wear out, the knees get all pointy and the crotch never fits anyone right. You either end up with pants up to your armpits or extra storage in the crotch area that you can't really use for anything. It's not like you can keep your wallet or your cellphone there. They're like cheap pantyhose.
There is a site call stirruppants.org. Is this some kind of support group for stirrup pants? I thought you had to be a nonprofit to qualify for a dot.org site. Anyway, you can link to all sorts of stirrup pant vendors and the blasphemy they are unleashing on humanity. Also, if you search for stirrup pants on the internet, you will get all kinds of hits. It's horribly depressing and it makes me weep for humanity. It also makes me want to call up Dinky and argue about whether Billy and Allison should give it one more try.
Oh dear Lord. And I thought jeggings were the worst fashion trend this fall.
Posted by: ohreally? | September 03, 2010 at 12:36 PM